Saturday, February 14, 2009

Mardi Gras, TARC style!!

Despite John's own love for Mardi Gras and the parades and drinking that goes with it, Mardi Gras has never been my favorite season. I am not into BIG crowds and drunk people. I love the idea of Mardi Gras and the tradition behind it. I was a Maid for the Krewe of Houmas WAY BACK in 1998. And I do love that the holiday is unique to this area. But, as far as the rest of the stuff, not my bag, you dig me?

Well, yesterday I was witness to the innocence of Mardi Gras and the joy that it brings to a certain group of residents of Houma. Unknown to many in Houma, the Krewe of Hercules makes a special stop during their day of revelry. The King, Dukes and many of the float riders make a special journey to the eastside of town to TARC (Terrebonne Association for Retarded Citizens). I was lucky enough this year to head out there to join in the fun.

A circular drive connects most of the campus at TARC and its clients gathered roadside for their own personal parade. As the buses lines up outside the gates, loud music filled the air and you could actually feel the excitement grow. Most of the clients were already dancing, be it to the music or just to help relieve the energy of the day! Once King Shane arrived, the parade began. The buses I speak about are the open top variety and the riders could very well stay onboard and throw beads from there. But the majority choose to get down and walk the circle, interacting one on one with the clients. This allows for them to actually place the beads, trinkets, and stuffed animals into to arms or laps of those confined to wheelchairs or that need other assistance. They wander back and forth, everyone covering both sides of the street. They stop and dance with the clients and visit a bit, wishing them a Happy Mardi Gras. I myself even got swept up into the excitement, dancing with my new friends and checking out the stuff they caught. I forgot to take pictures for a while, just laughing and enjoying being a part of such a grand gesture.

These men give an hour of their day of partying to make the day of these special people. To see the joy in the client's eyes was enough to make my own eyes tear up more than once. This is what I remember the excitement of Mardi Gras to be, the energy and joy felt deep inside. A HUGE thank you to the Krewe of Hercules.

1 comment:

  1. I am with not a fan of the crowds and bead throwing.

    That is awesome what the crew does for TARC. I never knew that.
