Monday, November 22, 2010

Weekend to be thankful for!

My Friday, Saturday and Sunday were full of things I am thankful for!

Friday night John and I met our friend Malcom at Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. He was in town with his school's basketball team. It was great to be able to visit with him. I am thankful for the friends God has placed in my and John's life.

Saturday, my mom's family came to town to help paint my grandmother's house. Nanny couldn't remember the last time that her house was washed, much less painted. So Mom, Dad, Aunt Donna, Kimberly, Kristen, Brett, Ricky, Michael, Skippy, Ed, Blair, Sunny, John and I pitched in, picked up a paintbrush and joined in the fun. I have never laughed so hard in my life. The work was hard, but my most sore part was my tummy from laughing.

I am thankful for my family. It is an amazing thing that we can all come together for two days to paint a house. We all get along. No one stands out. No one fights. No one argues. We smile and laugh and visit and make fun of Mom singing Christmas carols. I am thankful for the amazing memories we are making as a family with my 81 year old grandmother. This is a special time that I will always remember.

Saturday night, we went to Presentation for Hyacinthians and it was announced that I will be a Maid for the 2011 carnival season. I am thankful for the opportunity that was given to me by Freda. It is going to be a great Mardi Gras. Seeing the tears in her eyes was priceless and I am thankful to be a part of her reign as Queen.

Have a great Monday everyone!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Thursday's thankful for is....My friends who blog.

I absolutely L-O-V-E reading what you all are up to, your daily adventures, entering your give-aways (thanks McCall!!) It keeps me endlessly entertained.

I'm sorry today is such a short post. It's actually Friday and I have lots of things on my To Do list at work.

Have a great weekend! I'll be back at some point with my thing I'm thankful for Friday post.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wednesday, Nov. 17

Since Wednesday was press day, aka Crunch Time x2, I didn't get to blog. In fact, I confess, the blog didn't even cross my mind. Looking back though, I know what I was thankful for yesterday.

My job as editor of Point of Vue Magazine.

Really. I'm not just kissing ass; my bosses don't even know I have a blog.

My job is probably one of the most fun jobs there is in the world. Part of what makes it the best are the people I work with. When the day turns into night and we are all still here, it helps to have people around you that understand you and get you. Stuff can get pretty silly, fast. It helps to be able to laugh at one another.

Also have I mentioned I get paid to do something I really love? How cool is that! I have always enjoyed reading and writing. I always listed it first under Any Hobbies? Never in my wildest dreams would I ever have imagined that it would one day become my job.

I get to be as free and creative as I like. I have a whole space to write an editor's note, that it turns out people love to read. I get to meet and visit with super cool people, and write stories about them. We have an amazing team of freelance writers, columnists and photographers that help make this a cool product.

It has been such a blessing to be involved in the magazine from it's 5th issue, over 3 years ago. Having worked in sales first to help build the magazine up to where it is today...thankful barely begins to describe it. I look forward to the many years to come.

Tuesday, Nov. 16 - small businesses

Ok, so we are going to call this post Tuesday, because even though I paused to think about what I was thankful for...I forgot to blog about it. (It's truly been a crazy week.)

Tuesday, I am thankful for small businesses.

I love small mom and pop stores, where the shop owners know your name, know your shopping style (don't bug me when I'm shopping. I'm a big girl and know what I like. I'll holler if I need help.) and will actually remember to call you when something you like comes in.

On Tuesday, I went to Cherry Books, a locally owned book store in Thibodaux, to get my dad a Christmas present. They regularly host book signings by an impressive amount of local authors. Last week mom and I went to get my Christmas present, Holly Clegg's new cookbook, signed. It's an amazing little place. If you ever get the chance to stop in, please do so. They have a great children's book selection and reading area. Story times are loads of fun too.

Small businesses are definitely the way to go these day. I have made some really good friends shopping locally. And small stores and boutiques will usually fess up about sales and kick some great deals your way. After all, they know their customers!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Ten days of Thanks

It has occurred to me that there are ten days until Thanksgiving. I thought perhaps it would be fun to do a couple blog posts on what I am thankful for. It's looking like it's going to be an impossibly long and busy week at work and I could use the release.

Monday's No. 1 Thing I'm Thankful For: (and the most obvious) MY FAMILY

I have an amazing family. A fantastic family. A loving and caring until it hurts kind of family.

My Mom- not always my favorite person, but I love her all the same! My mom is a great and classy lady. She is the one that found me 30 years ago, fell in love with me and brought me home. She is the one that put up with my random teenage outbursts and range of emotions. She is the one that taught me to be comfortable with myself. She is the one that gave me a little brother to pick on and love with my whole heart. She is the one I go to and the one I will always trust.

My Dad- like most dads, he was always the worker bee in the family, but he is definitely who I inherited my off-beat sense of humor from. I have learned all my hardest life lessons from him. It is through my dad that I have learned what Faith is. He is the strongest person I know, and always able to calm down this hot head of mine.

My parents have also taught me what it is to love and I will be forever grateful for that.

My brother- My younger brother by 16 months, he is the biggest pest and strongest ally a big sister could ever have. Our childhood was fantastic. Our teenage years even better. You rock, lil bro!
Best of all, you gave me the greatest gift. You allowed me to be an aunt.

Lola- Be still my heart. Lola-bug, you are The. Most. AMAZING. little girl in the world. You are bright, loving, caring, beautiful and, unfortunately for your mother, remind me a little bit of me!
I hope we stay close as you grow and thrive. I love you with my whole heart, bug.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Tech-Crazed Life

As soon as the morning alarm on my trusty iPhone chirps, my addiction to technology begins. I check my e-mails and log onto Facebook. Yes, before I climb out of bed or brush my teeth, I have already read the morning gossip on my favorite social network. By the time I wake up, most of my friends with little ones have already completed a full morning of activities. I turn on the TV and flip straight to the Today show. I make sure to catch up on the morning’s headlines as I rush to get dressed. My Twitter time usually comes while I wait on the dogs to do their thing before dashing out the door.

From the parking lot of our office, I am “checking in” on Foursquare. I have to keep my check-ins at this location high so I can remain the mayor! From my desk, I get started by opening my e-mail again and logging onto PoV’s Facebook account to approve our daily friend requests. (We ♥ our friends!)

At this point my day is completely taken over by technology and the Internet since most of our freelance writers and photographers communicate through e-mail. During press week for this issue, I actually utilized the headphones that came with my iPhone to be able to talk to people, interview them and type at the same time. Through the introduction of Skype, I can hold meetings at anytime and everyone can still attend.

Our office could literally operate from anywhere with an Internet connection. It’s amazing how far things have come in just the three years of PoV’s existence. We are constantly upgrading and moving forward. I’m lucky enough to work in an office that encourages the use of social media to stay on top of what’s happening in our community and works hard to best equip us to bring you all the stories you love.

And if that means I slip in a little personal time to let you know where I am eating lunch, or what I think a certain football quarterback should name his son (Blair is the best ‘B’ name ever, in case you were wondering), oh well. You are probably sneaking on to Facebook at work to read it anyway!