Wednesday, September 29, 2010

September's Vue from the Trenches

Ohhh...ughh...Yes, you heard correctly. Those are the sounds of me growing older. This September I become a member of the 30-year-old club. Yeouch! I can remember when turning 30 seemed so far away. I used to think surely I would turn 30, become an adult and
magically have the secrets of life figured out.

*Fast-forward to present day.*

While I will greet my birthday with happiness and health, while cheering the Saints on to a season-opening victory, life is still a mystery to me. But, oh what a beautiful mystery it is! I love waking every day, never sure what God has in store for me.

We have the honor of sharing with you in PoV this month, the story of Mr. Louis Lee, who on his September birthday will be 100 years young. Suddenly, my turning thirty seems to be just a small milestone when you look at the bigger picture. I only hope to live my life as fully as he has lived his.

August's Vue from the Trenches

In August's issue of PoV Magazine, we ran a feature called "Why Louisiana Matters." I thought I might like to include a bit of that on here.

On April 20, an explosion 40 miles off our coast significantly changed our lives forever. This explosion triggered a man-made disaster that has not only threatened to destroy out coast, but our way of life as well. This oil leak has affected everything from our fishing industry to a vast majority of our jobs to our beach's summer tourism dollars.

Here in Louisiana, we are a fighting people. We are strong, both in our minds and in our will to keep on. Even as outside forces threaten to destroy all that we love about this place we call home, we push on. We fight back. Our people do not hesitate to pick themselves up and continue to forge on.

This month (Aug) we asked Louisianians to tell us why they choose to live and thrive in our great state- why they wake every morning determined to make a living here rather than anywhere else in the world.

We are proud to share with you, "Why Louisiana Matters."

For my note, I wrote the following:

When I was an intern for a local Congressman in Washington D.C., years ago, I remember the first question always asked when meeting someone new in this melting pot of the nation was: “Where are you from?” There was always a certain pride that welled up in me when I responded “Houma, Louisiana! Yes, something exists south of New Orleans!”

Other people were always so fascinated by our area and our culture. From our love of food and music, to the over 85 festivals held annually, to our need to celebrate the smallest of things for weeks at a time, there is always something to do in Louisiana. Being the most naturally bountiful state in the union truly gives us a lot to celebrate!

It also gives us something to fight for. The desire to protect our state and her beautiful wetlands that provide so much for so many is necessary. The dream to pass all this culture on to my children someday lights a fire in me to continue to stay involved, stay educated on the issues and make sure that my voice is heard. There is no place like Houma!