Wednesday, November 25, 2009

November's Trenches


I’m on a boat! Well, maybe not yet.

I am going on a cruise. Talk about the power of peer pressure. A group of my seven closest friends has decided to book a cruise. I reluctantly agreed to go. This goes against my nature. I have an irrational fear of cruise ships. I have never been on one before, yet I feel a strong aversion to them.

I am afraid of pirates and icebergs. (Yes, before you ask, my cruise departs from New Orleans and travels in the Gulf waters that are projected to be a warm 80 degrees and are probably constantly patrolled by anti-pirate armed forces.) I am afraid of being seasick the whole time. (I can’t enjoy a hammock without feeling a little queasy.)

I am afraid of small confined spaces. I am afraid of large crowds. (We did get a room with a large window and I have studied the layout of the ship to ensure I know where all exits are.)

I am afraid of being quarantined on the ship when we return to port due to some strange tropical, digestive system altering virus. (Have I mentioned our cruise goes to Key West [part of the U.S.], and Nassau [it’s a five star resort]?)

I have decided I am going to face my fears, grab the Dramamine, and board that ship. Worse come to worse, I get off the boat and don’t get back on. I think I could handle taking up residence in Key West! I’ll send you a postcard!

The Vue from the Trenches

Each month I write an editor's note of sorts. It is entitled "The Vue from the Trenches". Very fitting, I assure you. I am attaching it here so you can see what I have been up to the last couple of months! Now that I am the editorial assistant, I am busy writing for PoV and have very little time left to write and blog about personal things. I am very sorry to anyone who actually enjoyed reading my ramblings! Feel free to pick up a magazine and check me out there!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!


Hi! My name is Mary, and I am the new editorial sssistant. Some of you may know me from the marketing and sales side of PoV. I started with the magazine over 2 years ago selling advertising and writing a story here and there. This July I was asked to move over to the production side of PoV to help Bonnie on an everyday basis with the general running of Houma’s most popular magazine. Needless to say, I jumped at the chance!

Being raised in the South and knowing the importance of a first impression, I have decided to properly introduce myself to you ... PoV style!


  • I actually attended charm school. We walked with books on our heads, learned which fork to eat with and had a tea party for graduation.
  • I am a bona fide slob and a pack rat.
  • I have a very mischievous Papillion named Monty. If he would use his powers for good instead of evil, I think he could save the world.
  • I don’t like making decisions. (I flip a coin, even at restaurants. I have an app for that.)
  • I watch “Grey’s Anatomy” alone because I cry.
    A lot.
  • I love to read! (I cry for good books, too.)
  • I have an addiction to shoes.
  • I find the word “potential” to be very misleading.
  • I have never seen a James Bond movie.
  • I have had gray hair since I was 16.
  • When my 60 year old house creaks, it scares me. I may still believe there is a monster under my bed, too.
  • I believe that chocolate and peanut butter belong together.
  • I have broken my leg and my collar bone.
  • I once set off the fire alarm in my apartment while boiling water.
  • I am a worrier and an over analyzer

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dream Job!

Dear Readers,

It's been a long time since I updated you with the going-on's of my life in high heels. Plenty of things happening and times, well they are a-changing!

In the time since my last post, I have turned in my two weeks notice, left my job, cried, and decided to be a stay-at-home mommy to my dogs (who promptly fired me for laying in bed crying all day) only to be hired BACK at my old place of employment for what I can only describe as my perfect job.

Confused yet?

As you may have known, I was an advertising sales rep for Point of Vue Magazine. After 2 fabulous years, I came to realize that sales just wasn't for me. I love the networking, I believe in the product, all that jazz, but it wasn't in my heart anymore to sell. My deliema was that I love the magazine SO much! I am so proud of the Rushings and our first editor Justin Martin for what they have started. To see our first issue and compare it to our latest... amazing! We have come so far! Personally, I love being a part of such a big thing. I love the brainstorming for ideas, I love writing the stories, I love every aspect of this publication! Except for the job that I had been hired to do. I was giving 150%. In return, I wasn't sleeping, I was losing my hair, and what's left of my hair is turning gray at an alarming rate! (OK, so that part is probably genetics, but I hear stress doesn't exactly help!)

So after a long, hysterical (on my part) meeting with my bosses, I quit.

I had been gone for 4 days when my cell phone rang. It was Bonnie, my former boss. She told me she had a job opportunity for me! Thinking she had worked her magic networking powers and spoke to someone who was dying to hire me, I agreed to meet with her the following day so she could tell me about it!

Imagine my surprise when she told me that they had decided to hire an Editorial Assistant. WHAT!?!?!?! All the joys of PoV and none of the selling?? I'm SO in! But of course, I had to keep my cool and tell her I'd have to think about it. (Are you kidding me?!?!? YES YES YES!!!!) I went back the next day and accepted the job!

So readers, that is how I landed my dream job. I have been back for a month now. I am in love with what I get to do every day. I have so many ideas and I am so excited to see what the future holds!

Stay tuned!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Saving Soles

I know it been a while since I last blogged. I'm sorry, its been a crazy month! And I apologize again, the following is not an original blog. I am posting a copy of an article I wrote for June's PoV Magazine. I hope you enjoy!

Saving Soles
by Mary Downer

One for one.
For every pair of Toms shoes sold, a pair is donated to a child in need.

Such a simple way to give back,” thought Beau Porche. About a year ago he followed a link on a fellow musician’s Web page and found Toms shoes. He read about the philanthropic mission of Toms and became intrigued.

Walking is the primary means of transportation in many developing nations. To get clean water, food and medical help, they often must walk for miles. Without shoes their feet suffer cuts and sores from unsafe walking conditions, and these wounds become infected. Soil transmitted parasites are the leading cause of disease. In Ethiopia, approximately 1 million people suffer from podoconiosis, a disfiguring disease caused bywalking barefoot in the acidic volcanic soil. Sadly, children in some nations can’t attend school because they have no shoes, and shoes are required as part of their uniform. If they don’t receive an education, their future is doomed.

The simple cure for all these problems is shoes. Shoes allow adults to walk distances not possible on barefoot. Shoes help children to play safely. Shoes protect from cuts and scrapes and prevent certain amputation. Shoes prevent podoconiosis.

After realizing he, too, could make a difference, Beau ordered his first pair of shoes and signed up for email updates. He received an email regarding how to become involved locally. When Beau learned about the event “A Day Without Shoes” on April 16, he approached his staff at Houma-Thibodaux Spine and Rehabilitation to see if they were interested in joining. The answer was an overwhelming “Yes.” The entire office along with people across America participated and tried to understand how difficult it is to live without shoes. The staff became intrigued by the simplicity of an idea to help others. They issued flyers to clients notifying them of the initiative, and they were receptive and took off their shoes as well.

Taking part in this experiment was eye-opening for Beau and his staff. “We live in a world where the possibility of catching swine flu has caused us to become cautious and prepare, using antibacterial wash and the readiness at which healing drugs were made available in our country,” Beau remarked with sincerity. “It’s hard to think about this disease, podoconiosis, that is 100 percent preventable by just wearing shoes. We have the cure, we can prevent this.”

Houma-Thibodaux Spine and Rehabilitation will serve as a Toms shoe distributor for the Houma area. Soon, shoes may be purchased at the office rather than on the Internet. Beau also has an interest in the project Style Your Sole where children and adults gather with the natural canvas shoes and go wild decorating.

“Toms shoes just celebrated its third birthday,” Beau says with a smile. Over 140,000 pairs have been given away to date. The goal is 300,000 by the end of 2009. I think it is possible... I think people are good and truly want to help.” PoV

Monday, April 27, 2009

Sweet Escape

This is a story I wrote that was published in April's issue of PoV. I hope you enjoy!

Sweet Escape

Astronauts and vampires, dinosaurs and knitting, spiders hosting tea parties and last lectures frozen in time for generations to come.
“Every book is someone’s idea, their way of sharing thoughts, their loves and passions. And it’s here, sitting on our shelves!” explains Phyllis Lear, manager of Cherry Books. The simple act of walking through the door whisks you away to a world where anything is possible.
Author, Woody Falgoust and his wife, Susie Falgoust, opened Cherry Books over a year ago in the old Cherry Shoes building located on Canal Street in Thibodaux. Inside the store, the exposed brick walls, original pine ceiling and old-fashioned shoes on display remind customers of the history and the stories that the building itself holds.
“There is a special way that books call out to people and a certain charm to being able to lose yourself in a book,” says Susie Falgoust, “It’s a great feeling to give someone the gift of a book, knowing that you may help to inspire them.”
Cherry Books has all the books ordinary chain stores have and so much more. Reminiscent of The Shop Around the Corner from “You’ve Got Mail” this small store is big on personality. The staff is extremely knowledgeable and eager to help. Recommendations can be made though simple conversation of books you have enjoyed.
As a former teacher of early childhood education at Nicholls State University, Susie Falgoust knows the importance of reading aloud to children and takes pride in their children’s section. She wanted a place where children would feel comfortable coming in to read and play with educational toys without the fear of being shushed. All toys sold are sturdy, long-term toys that can be passed down through generations. On the shelves are carefully selected books for all ages, from Newbery Award winners to the popular “Twilight” series. Of course, no proper bookstore is complete without a story hour and Cherry Books hosts several a month for children of all ages. Recently they had a Dr. Seuss day where the children listened to stories while eating green eggs and ham.
In an attempt to support local authors, Cherry Books reserves a large nook in the shop for local authors to promote their new publications. Many authors drop by and host book signings. Even big stars like George Rodrigue have visited Cherry Books to meet with fans and sign copies of books.
If there’s a book you’re looking for and it isn’t in stock, they’ll get it for you. They also offer special discounts for teachers and students. Cherry Books is a one-of-a-kind gem, and the magic of this store stays with you long after you leave. PoV

Back tracking...

For the last 4 years, John has hosted a Crawfish Boil on Good Friday. The guys play golf in the early A.M., then John boils the crawfish. He has his own special blend of spices guaranteed to give you heartburn! We also boil plenty veggies like potatoes, corn, mushrooms, garlic, and cauliflower. Delicious!
I'm sure most of you saw these pics already on Facebook, but I wanted to post them here as well!

Me and Lola
Sunny and Grandma

Nanny, Grandma and Sunny

Aaron, Riley and Dad

Mark and Aaron
John doing his thing!

Me and John


John and Aaron

Dad and his first platter

CHEESE!! (Actually, CRACKER!!!!)


Of course, a baseball game broke out!

The leftovers!

So Lola likes to take pictures now. She says "Ok, yet me do it." "I taka you pitcha."
Its adorable. And with a digital camera she actually takes some decent shots.
These are by Lola.

Mark's dog Marley. Lola likes her tongue!



"Hey John, I taka you pitcha, say cheeeeeeeese!!!"

"Cheese May-ee"

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring time!

I am by no means a great gardener. I do not have a green thumb. These skills are reserved by my grandfather, Arthur Lee, and his children, including my mother. Most things I plant need to have "ignore" on their label to survive in my yard.
Houma is taking part in the Cleanest City Contest. We were instructed by the committee to clean up our yards. So before John took the weed-eater to everything in our yard, I snapped some pictures of our award winning thistle I was proudly ignoring in our front yard. It was waist high and made some pretty flowers.

Ok, so I thought it was pretty funny. I have great luck with weeds!! Haha!! I also have a few other plants that were blooming so I snapped some pics of them too.

My Confederate Jasmine. Smells WONDERFUL!
I planted it 2 years ago, I finally have flowers!

This is what my Mom calls a Bleeding Heart plant.
It's happy being ignored, growing up the side of my house.
This is the Bridal Wreath shrub growing wildly in my front yard.
It really needs to be trimmed back. But its happy!!

This is the wreath on my front door. My Mom made it.
I just think it's pretty....

Life of the Party

My brother's little 2 yr old daughter Lola is such the life of the party! She LOVES birthday parties. She sings very loudly and loves cake and ice cream. Well, like most kids, she REALLY likes the icing!!
My cousins Ashley and Michael had their bithday parties during March and these are a few pictures of them, my dad and Lola. Oh and Max the dog. Lola wanted to take him home.

Monday, April 6, 2009

TPC New Orleans

John played at Ellendale in a ProAm the other day. He made friends with his Pro, a young man named Justin Ahasic. Awesome person, very cool. They decided to go play a round at TPC in New Orleans the following Sunday. We also planned to go to a Hornets game that evening, so I was invited to tag along for the day. I LOVE the golf course. I think its so much fun just to ride along and enjoy the weather. I have gotten rather good at being a caddy. I have learned to read the course, tell John his distance to edge of green/pin, and even suggest a club. The wind was the tricky thing that day. Throws everything off! Justin brought another pro with us, and they played from the tips. Very impressive. John hung in there and did excellent!

These are some pictures from the golf course. The Zurich Classic will be held there in another week or so, and they have already begun to set up for the tournament.

Did I mention the giant lizards all around the course!!
The Clubhouse

Tents near the Clubhouse


The boys looking at their balls.. hehe....

John teeing off


John putting on 18
Justin Ahasic
Justin putting on 18


Last hole. Pretty sign.

Putting on 18.

Having fun in the Press Room for the Zurich Classic!
Taking Questions

Yes, you from ESPN... Yes, I accept my new sponsorship from Titlest.

He was so excited and TOO cute!!