Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dream Job!

Dear Readers,

It's been a long time since I updated you with the going-on's of my life in high heels. Plenty of things happening and times, well they are a-changing!

In the time since my last post, I have turned in my two weeks notice, left my job, cried, and decided to be a stay-at-home mommy to my dogs (who promptly fired me for laying in bed crying all day) only to be hired BACK at my old place of employment for what I can only describe as my perfect job.

Confused yet?

As you may have known, I was an advertising sales rep for Point of Vue Magazine. After 2 fabulous years, I came to realize that sales just wasn't for me. I love the networking, I believe in the product, all that jazz, but it wasn't in my heart anymore to sell. My deliema was that I love the magazine SO much! I am so proud of the Rushings and our first editor Justin Martin for what they have started. To see our first issue and compare it to our latest... amazing! We have come so far! Personally, I love being a part of such a big thing. I love the brainstorming for ideas, I love writing the stories, I love every aspect of this publication! Except for the job that I had been hired to do. I was giving 150%. In return, I wasn't sleeping, I was losing my hair, and what's left of my hair is turning gray at an alarming rate! (OK, so that part is probably genetics, but I hear stress doesn't exactly help!)

So after a long, hysterical (on my part) meeting with my bosses, I quit.

I had been gone for 4 days when my cell phone rang. It was Bonnie, my former boss. She told me she had a job opportunity for me! Thinking she had worked her magic networking powers and spoke to someone who was dying to hire me, I agreed to meet with her the following day so she could tell me about it!

Imagine my surprise when she told me that they had decided to hire an Editorial Assistant. WHAT!?!?!?! All the joys of PoV and none of the selling?? I'm SO in! But of course, I had to keep my cool and tell her I'd have to think about it. (Are you kidding me?!?!? YES YES YES!!!!) I went back the next day and accepted the job!

So readers, that is how I landed my dream job. I have been back for a month now. I am in love with what I get to do every day. I have so many ideas and I am so excited to see what the future holds!

Stay tuned!!