Thursday, February 17, 2011

If We Were Neighbors

If we were neighbors, the wonderful kind that enjoys coffee as much as I do, I would expect you to come over every morning and join me for a cup or 6. With my handy, dandy new Keurig coffee-making machine, you can chose a new flavor for every cup. And if we were close neighbors, like I know we would be, you would love the fact that I have a million choices for a single cup of coffee and love the fact that I can change my mind with every cup.

Today's conversation would have started off very casual, chatting about the weather and this easy warming trend. I know you are just as ready as I am to see those first little signs of spring. My flip-flop collection is screaming my name.

We would chat about the dogs that by now are running in circles around us as we sit in my backyard. Our newest member, Winnie, is a sweet foster from the local animal shelter. She is super high energy, but so lovable. We would discuss my concerns for her and where she will end up. After 4 weeks, she is starting to become a part of the family. As much as I know we can't keep her, she is not the right dog for our family, she has worn away my outer shell and is snuggling close to my heart.

We would talk about Mardi Gras and John's tableau that is this Saturday night. You would inquire about my dress, tell me of course I don't look fat, and compliment my fantastic shoes. We would talk about my tableau that is getting closer by the minute and discuss my anxiety about having to be presented in front of all those people. I am so worried that I may trip, or forget where I am going or what I'm supposed to do or whatever strange and embarrassing thing I am obsessing over at that minute.

We would talk about family and those we love most. About our boyfriends, husbands, children, etc. The more we would talk, the more we realize that God has truly blessed us with people in our lives that love and care for us.

This morning we would also chat about the magazine. Today is our final working press day and it can get kinda hectic. I would share with you my excitement about today. I love seeing all our hard work come together. The finished product always amazes me. Somedays I can still hardly believe that this is my job. It is so much fun!

We would smile and hug and say goodbye, even if it is only for a day. And I would know that I am blessed to have a neighbor like you.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Inspires You?

My friend McCall over at Lee, Me and the Girls recently asked the question, "Who inspires you to be and do better?" I have been pondering the answer to this question for a couple days now. It's a little more complicated than it looks.

I am inspired everyday by something a little bit different. Being a writer, I read a lot and I love blogs. So often it's other people's musings that inspire me to do better.
I read about the good they are doing, raising their children, helping Africa, and amazing things that I just wish I could do. I usually feel quite ordinary after reading all of their inspiring posts.

My editor Bonnie is a good source of inspiration. She is a very intelligent and talented woman, who is raising her first child (who will turn one in a month! omg!!) being an amazing wife to her husband, volunteering her time to help women and children in need through Junior Auxiliary, being a great friend to me in times when I think the world is crashing down, and many other unbelievable things that have me convinced some days she is Wonder Woman.

And of course, my dad inspires me to be a better person all of the time. He has been through so many ups and downs and had his Faith tested regularly. Yet he always perseveres. He holds his head high and truly believes that God has a plan that will be revealed in due time. He follows the belief that everything happens for a reason. He is an immensely strong man. I admire him in so many ways. Some days I have no idea how he manages to keep his cool. I am definitely the hot-headed type. I simmer and fume. He forgives and forgets.

Sometimes though, I find you just have to inspire yourself to be and do better. It's not always an easy thing, but living a life you can be proud of is an inspiring feat in itself. Allow yourself to be proud of the things you do, like service to others, or kind words in passing. Sometimes just reminding yourself to smile is all the inspiration you need.

Thanks McCall for posing this question.

Carnival Newbie

Ahhh, Mardi Gras...Carnival time...king cake season.

In my late teens and early 20s, I could count on two hands the number of parades I actually went to. Large, loud crowds and people throwing things at my head just wasn’t that high on my to-do list.

Then almost six years ago I met my boyfriend John. We began dating and I soon discovered his favorite holiday revolved around the colors of purple, green and gold. He is a member of the Krewe of Hercules, a fun-loving group whose parade kick-starts the Carnival season in Houma. To my surprise, I quickly became jealous of John’s ride. I knew some day I wanted to be a part of it.

This year my friend Sydney and I decided to join the Krewe of Hyacinthians together. It was an exciting summer, getting to know the ladies on my float, discovering that my cousin Kim was joining my float as well. (It’s her first year too. Have a great ride Kim!) The biggest surprise of all came in November when the court was presented.

Yes, dear readers, this anxiety-ridden Carnival-newbie is going to be a Maid for the Krewe of Hyacinthians. I have come full circle, from being a “take it or leave it” Mardi Gras fan to full-fledged royalty.

And I’m scared to death.

Have you seen the pounds of feathers we have to wear? And you want me to curtsy to my queen with all that on my back? Yikes! What happens if I trip on my hem in front of all those people? Have I mentioned I’ve never even been to a Hyacinthians tableau? I often feel like I’m going to toss my cookies just thinking about it!

Anxiety disorder aside, I am incredibly excited about this entire experience. I am going to be a part of an amazing tradition. I am honored to be a part of the 60th anniversary year of Hyacinthians. Look for me on Sunday, February 27th. I’ll be the one with 50 pounds of yellow feathers on my shoulders.