Monday, May 3, 2010

Mother's Day editor's note

I know Mother's Day isn't until Sunday, but since PoV came out today, I thought I would go ahead and share my "Vue From the Trenches" with you!

May's Vue From the Trenches

While I was chatting with Bonnie about what I planned on writing my note on this month (my need to devour anything fried on-a-stick), she ever so delicately reminded me what happened to our first editor when he made the now infamous mistake of not writing about his mother in our May issue. (She stopped doing his laundry and upped his rent.) I do not want a similar fate to befall me, so I am taking her advice, and devoting this space to my mother.

Hi Mom!
Being your daughter is an amazing honor. You could have chosen any child, from all around the world, but you hand-picked me!

Being adopted draws up a whole new set of rules between mother and daughter. I know we don’t share the same eyes or smile or secret love for Joel Osteen, but the things we do share are so much more important. We share a love for each other and for our family. You have showed me how to love unconditionally and with my whole heart. My best memories of my childhood include you.

I love you, Momma! Happy Mother’s Day!