Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Tech-Crazed Life

As soon as the morning alarm on my trusty iPhone chirps, my addiction to technology begins. I check my e-mails and log onto Facebook. Yes, before I climb out of bed or brush my teeth, I have already read the morning gossip on my favorite social network. By the time I wake up, most of my friends with little ones have already completed a full morning of activities. I turn on the TV and flip straight to the Today show. I make sure to catch up on the morning’s headlines as I rush to get dressed. My Twitter time usually comes while I wait on the dogs to do their thing before dashing out the door.

From the parking lot of our office, I am “checking in” on Foursquare. I have to keep my check-ins at this location high so I can remain the mayor! From my desk, I get started by opening my e-mail again and logging onto PoV’s Facebook account to approve our daily friend requests. (We ♥ our friends!)

At this point my day is completely taken over by technology and the Internet since most of our freelance writers and photographers communicate through e-mail. During press week for this issue, I actually utilized the headphones that came with my iPhone to be able to talk to people, interview them and type at the same time. Through the introduction of Skype, I can hold meetings at anytime and everyone can still attend.

Our office could literally operate from anywhere with an Internet connection. It’s amazing how far things have come in just the three years of PoV’s existence. We are constantly upgrading and moving forward. I’m lucky enough to work in an office that encourages the use of social media to stay on top of what’s happening in our community and works hard to best equip us to bring you all the stories you love.

And if that means I slip in a little personal time to let you know where I am eating lunch, or what I think a certain football quarterback should name his son (Blair is the best ‘B’ name ever, in case you were wondering), oh well. You are probably sneaking on to Facebook at work to read it anyway!

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