Thursday, February 26, 2009

Little bit of Mardi Gras Madness!!

As I am sure I mentioned, Mardi Gras is not my season. I am more of a Halloween type of gal. I love to dress up and play pretend. I always said if I could only memorize lines, look out Jennifer Aniston!! I could have been one hell of an actress!!
Back to the subject at hand... Through out this Mardi Gras season, it has come to my attention that I have taken over 400 PHOTOGRAPHS!!! Now while they may not be the best pics in the world, all taken with my handy dandy Sony Cybershot (it fits in my back pocket), they certainly captured the fun that my friends and family were having. The ones I am posting here are a small collection of shots from John's ride day, Tiffany's ride day and I think Mardi Gras day. I have plans to post quite a few more on MySpace just because its easier and more files fit!
Be forwarned, I am just learning how to work this picture and post, so bear with me!!

Me and John posing for our Prom picture.

The insane amount of people at the Hercules Tableau. It's like a rock concert in formal wear. Chee Weez was the band, by the way.

Big smiles from the guys

Tiffany, me and Nikki

Misty Mac

ok, so Misty looks naked in this picture... Hmmmm....

John and King Shane

John and Me

Back home in my yellow kitchen, the girls pause to take one last pic!
Carzy as it sounds, the night BEFORE John rides, we get on the open top bus and ride around town, just for shits and giggles. We go eat at BWW and have fun. This is me and Wendy.
John and Jason, as we approach The Balcony.

Eric, Matt and John cracking open their first beers of the morning of their Ride Day. I know you can't see a clock, but trust me, its early. Like 6:45AM early!!

Heading out the door! Long day ahead of them!

John and I at TARC.

Tiffany and Nolan (John's sister and bro-in-law)

John passing out beads and goodies at TARC.

John resting and reloading in the bus at TARC

Tiffany giving her new friend some lovin'!

This is John's nephew Dillon. We are watching the Hercules parade. He always gets hit by beads, so he is standing in front of me (I'm the black and white coat) while I hold up his "Shield", the top of the tote we use to hold all the beads! He has Laffy Taffy too, so he's all good!!

Tiffany and me catching some ZZZ's during the hour and a half wait we had during the Hercules parade when an axel broke and halted the parade!

John and Chad on the float after their ride. I need an entire page devoted to Chad's first ride. The pictures are PRICELESS!!!

It was also my brother Blair's first ride this year with the Krewe of Houmas. John managed to get this picture of Blair (3rd guy) before the beads began to fly!

I snuck up on Misty Mac. I love this picture!! HAHA!!!
My boyfriend has trouble taking a nice picture.
He always makes a silly face. And I love him for it!

1 comment:

  1. Colorful masks and costumes coupled with bright smiles from all people around you are the things which make Mardi Gras one of the most enjoyable events within the year!
