Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Life in the ER!

And so it starts...

Saturday morning I woke up to tummy cramps. Not unusual, just thought I had to "go potty". I had some coffee, saw John off to play golf, took the dogs out to play in the yard, and enjoyed the beautiful day. After a while, the cramping got more urgent so I went inside to "go". To spare you all the lovely medical details, we will just say the pain progress greatly during the process. I decided to ignore it because a friend of mine was having a baby shower for her first child, which is actually TRIPLETS! (Congrats Heather and Brett!!) I continued to get ready, pausing while the bad pains passed. By 2pm, I gave up. I was doubled over in the bed, clutching my pillow to my lower abdomen, praying for an answer.

I started to make some phone calls because, honestly, my worst fear was that I was over reacting to something simple, like gas. I knew I would never hear the end of it if I panicked over a little gas bubble!! My parents told me to call the Haydel Clinic. John told me to call Chad (a friend that is a paramedic) and Nolan (his bro-in-law that is a nurse). I did ALL of the above. Everyone told me to go straight to the Emergency Room because no one wanted to diagnosis me over the phone. Smart friends of mine! Phone call back to the parents to come get me and bring me to the ER. (No offense Chad, but I really didn't want my first ride in an ambulance just yet.)

I must say, the people in the ER at TGMC were very nice. I am sure they see young women doubled over, screaming, in extreme pain, while their mothers DEMAND answers all the time. (It seemed that despite my predicament I was still the calmest person in my entourage! I have learned that my mother may not need to be around if I ever give birth!)

We were moved to a bed in the ER within 2 hours, which seemed pretty quick to me considering the sign in the lobby said 4 hour wait! The nurse was VERY sweet and patient because I could only move and answer questions through the waves of stabbing pain. I met with the doctor who was very kind too. You always hear horror stories but he listened very carefully and was quick to rule out some of our worries (kidney stones, ovarian cysts). He ordered pain meds and a CAT scan. I am that one strange person that began to cry when I found out that they were going to give me Dimerol. (I hate that feeling, the dizziness and the loss of control. I cried hysterically when they gave me laughing gas for my wisdom teeth years ago.) But apparently I am a hoot on the stuff. I asked the CAT scan technician to let me know if there were kittens or cats in my belly. I am nearing 30 ya know. WOW!! But at least I wasn't in pain any more.

Once my results were in, I was diagnosed with...drum roll please... DIVERTICULITIS?!?!?!? I thought only really old people got that!! Oh No!! Ok, deep breath! So, what's the deal with me/er/admit to hospital? The doctor replies that there is basically an infection in my colon that is causing inflammation and the pain. He wants to go ahead and knock it out with several rounds of antibiotics. No prob, give me some pills and I can go home, right? RIGHT?!?!!?

Yeah, not so much. His idea of knocking it out involves strong meds given by IV every 12 hours. Crap. Stupid careful doctors. My mom agrees for me that this is the best course of action. They give me my first dose while in the ER. It made me sick and slightly crazy. John was so sweet. He held my hair back and got a cold rag and kept talking to me. He is in the correct field of work; he is good in a hospital setting. We are informed that there are no beds available in the hospital, that we will be spending some time in the ER while we wait. John decided to stay with me, sitting/sleeping in the chair in the room. We got there around 4pm. At midnight, they came in to move me to a room. John, again, gets to snooze in a tiny recliner in my room. Mind you, he is over 6 ft. Wow, thats love!

To shorten this post, I will fast-forward through the rest of my stay. Since I went in over the weekend, I saw an on-call doctor on Sunday who changed the diagnosis to Colitis. More meds and visitors. (LOLA came to see me! She was sooo uplifting!!). John stayed with me again on Sunday night. He made sweet eyes at a nurse who snuck an illegal sofa bed into our room. He was so supportive and sweet and kind and wonderful and... ok, I'll stop. Just very much the rock I needed.

Move to Monday. I get to see my own doctor who informs me that in order to actually make the diagnosis, I will have to have a colonoscopy to view my insides. yea. I have IBS, so this will be my 3rd one before 30. Yipee.

I am moved to another room Monday afternoon, which just makes me think I'm stuck here for another night. Boo. Hiss.

I need to pause here. I want to let every one know what a great place I work and what wonderful people I work for. Both of my bosses, Bonnie and Brian, came to visit along with another co-worker Bryan and his family.

Also, Tiffany brought Nick to visit. Lorie brought Whitney and Brandi tagged along with Bonnie. Kidd, Wendy, Lexie, Chad, Sydney, Mama Dee and Nolan: Thanks you guys! You were all so sweet to stop by. It was great to have so many visitors! Thank you so much for the well wishes, cards and flowers!!! I love you guys!!

Anyways, it was my Mom's day to sit with me Monday. We had a great day entertaining all those previously mentioned. We watched crappy daytime TV and read magazines. She almost lost her stomach when the had to move my IV for the 3rd time and it began to bleed. A LOT.

John came back to the hospital Monday evening in time to watch House and 24. Around 8:30 Dr. Scott made his rounds and decided I could be discharged. To my mother's chorus of Alleluia, I am very happy to hear that news. I am ready for good sleep in my own bed. With my pups! John is slightly dismayed, because this means Mom doesn't get to spend the night with me on an uncomfortable sofa bed. RATS.

I have follow up appointments with several doctors to figure out what it was and what we can do about it. Hopefully the mystery will be solved. If not, we can always call House!!


  1. Mary, you poor dear! That sounds just awful! I hope they find out the cause soon. I will say a prayer for you!

  2. Been praying for you~~~your daddy has been keeping me informed via email~I love you, sweetie..get well soon! Kisses and hugs from me and Callie..she misses her Aunt Mary!!!!

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