Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring time!

I am by no means a great gardener. I do not have a green thumb. These skills are reserved by my grandfather, Arthur Lee, and his children, including my mother. Most things I plant need to have "ignore" on their label to survive in my yard.
Houma is taking part in the Cleanest City Contest. We were instructed by the committee to clean up our yards. So before John took the weed-eater to everything in our yard, I snapped some pictures of our award winning thistle I was proudly ignoring in our front yard. It was waist high and made some pretty flowers.

Ok, so I thought it was pretty funny. I have great luck with weeds!! Haha!! I also have a few other plants that were blooming so I snapped some pics of them too.

My Confederate Jasmine. Smells WONDERFUL!
I planted it 2 years ago, I finally have flowers!

This is what my Mom calls a Bleeding Heart plant.
It's happy being ignored, growing up the side of my house.
This is the Bridal Wreath shrub growing wildly in my front yard.
It really needs to be trimmed back. But its happy!!

This is the wreath on my front door. My Mom made it.
I just think it's pretty....

1 comment:

  1. Mary, you can cook down and eat thistle!!!! Next year you maybe on to something! I have a bleeding heart too and it does like to be ignored, but not too hot!! Hope all is well and I will add you to our blog if that is ok?
