Friday, April 23, 2010

April's Trenches

What an exciting month this has been! PoV turns three and Bonnie up and had her baby a full two weeks early!

The Monday after we welcomed Wyatt into our growing family, I sat at my new, big girl desk a little overwhelmed. I was greeted that morning with, “Well, I guess it’s time to sink or swim.” I felt like I was in the deep end of the pool with no floaties on. Could I really do this? Run a magazine while Bonnie is on leave? I know we had been preparing for this day. After all, I had a nine month fair warning! But, it still seemed surreal that this was happening.

In a way, PoV is Bonnie and Brian’s real first born. And they want to leave me in charge?

My own sister-in-law still can’t believe I let my niece Lola teeth on the leg of a chair. (I figured if my puppy had done it...) My brother called a billion times the day I had to pick Lola up from school, worried I would be late, forget or perhaps be abducted by aliens.

I have a generally laid-back attitude when it comes to baby-sitting and raising kids. Could this style work for PoV? Will it need more guidance? Stricter rules?

After my own version of labor including many sleepless nights, a few bottles of Strawberry Harvest, a couple 12-hour days and passing the thought that I needed to bring in an air mattress and forward my mail, my first solo issue is born. I truly hope you enjoy our three-year anniversary edition. This month, we are all the proud parents of this genius brain child!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your first solo edition! And yes, I think "laid back" should be the approach to most everything...including child rearing. Don't sweat the little stuff!

    Good luck to you;)
