Monday, March 7, 2011

If We Were Neighbors; Linky Party!!

If we were neighbors... WHEW! Would you have heard it from me this week!

Bloggers, it has been a rough week. I live in South Louisiana, where these last two weeks have completely revolved around Mardi Gras.

I belong to the Krewe of Hyacinthians, an all-ladies club that is celebrating their 60th anniversary this year. And I was a royal maid to boot. It was an amazing time, I had a blast, met some wonderful women that I am honored to call friends, and made some everlasting memories.
But I'll let you in on a little secret.... I'm exhausted!!

And while the festivities tend to include a LOT of drinking, I chose to abstain. And I'm STILL exhausted. It is a full week after the Tableau and Ball and Parade, and I still can't seem to catch up on my sleep.

Fast-forward to my work week...

I am the managing editor of a local lifestyle magazine. I am in charge of getting all content turned in, on time, and getting it edited.

It seems as though all my writers must be exhausted too. Everyone asked for an extension. Everyone.


Being raised in a military household, deadlines are my thing. Don't get me wrong, I procrastinate like a mad woman, but I always make my deadline. I like schedules and itineraries, and being prepared. People not being on time or on schedule drives me bonkers.

If we were neighbors, I hope this is the part where you would offer me a big hug and a cupcake, and tell me the world was going to right itself after Carnival season is over. I would accept the hug, devour the cupcake and hope with all my being that you were right!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post, and we can be still be friends despite you making me miss Mardi Gras and living in South LA. :)
